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Grim Reapers Motorcycle Club makes huge, local impact on Christmas

Chad Hobbs

Updated: Dec 1, 2023

This past Saturday, a group of steel horses with leather-vested riders roared from the southern part of the county towards Brandenburg with a loaded 'sled' following full of toys. The back of their vest sported a reaper but contrary to any misconceptions, this club was on the noblest of missions. The Grim Reapers Motorcycle Club was making its annual journey to see Sheila Foster at the Meade County Angel Ministry.

The Reapers have been supporting local charities for several decades now, but for at least the last ten years, they have teamed up with Angel Ministry to do everything they can to help brighten Christmas morning for the children of Meade County. And their hard work has become legendary. From working with local businesses to set up toy collection locations to collecting cash donations, the Reapers have made a mission of outdoing their prior year’s work to the benefit of boys and girls all across our community. They surely didn't disappoint this year.

With many families struggling even more than usual due to the economy and inflation, Foster and the Angel Ministry’s services are in even greater need this year with around 500 kids in need. Well, never fear. As Foster calls them, the “wheels of the ministry” were there to answer the call.

“They collected an amazing $10,300 in monetary and approximately $5,000 in toy donations, for a whopping grand total of $15,3000 in total donations,” said Foster in a post, who runs MC Angel Ministry. “We are so grateful for these guys and all the work they commit to each year. They are a huge blessing to the Meade County Angel Ministry.”

Needless to say, there were some tears of joy that day thanks to the unbelievable work the club did to help brighten so many children’s Christmas this year. So, the next time you're traveling down the road and see a reaper on the back of a vest, be sure to give them a wave. Not only are they the Grinch’s worst nightmare, but they go above and beyond every Christmas to put smiles on young faces all across Meade County.


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