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Meade County Schools To Host Community Safety Event Before Friday Night's Football Game

Alex Allen

The Centegix safety solutions company has partnered with Meade County Schools to host a special Community Safety Event this Friday, August 23rd, just before the home football game against Henderson County. The event will feature activities and learning for all age groups and will also provide community members an opportunity to learn more about the groundbreaking new Centegix CrisisAlert system, which was adopted by Meade County Schools last school year in February.

Meade County was the first school district in the state to adopt the Centegix safety system, which provides all school staff members with a badge that warrants different emergency responses based on the number of times the button on the badge is pushed. Dr. Mark Martin, Superintendent of Meade County Schools, has appeared on WMMG's Edgewise program to discuss the new technology several times in previous months.

"What I consistently tell people is we're never done talking about safety," Dr. Martin said in an October 17th 2023 Edgewise interview, during which Meade County's adoption of the Centegix technology was first announced. "As a parent myself," he continued "I want these students and my own children to go to a school where they feel safe.

Each year, Centegix picks one school district to host a Hero Safety Night and Meade County was chosen this year. Interestingly enough, the event will be held just before the Meade County High School Football team's season opener against Henderson County, which was actually the second school district in the state to adopt the same technology.

"I think that's a God thing," Dr. Martin said in another Edgewise interview earlier this month. "That wasn't planned."

In addition to Henderson County, several other school districts across the state have since followed Meade County's lead and adopted the Centegix technology. Dr. Martin said 18 school districts total have visited Meade County so far to look at the new system, with 7 or 8 of those deciding to implement it in their schools.

Friday night's safety event, which will run from 4pm to 7pm at the Meade County College and Career Center, is open to the public and will allow the community to learn more about this innovative new technology as well as countywide efforts in the area of safety. There will be a demonstration of Code Red, a First Responder Simulation event, first-aid and river safety training sessions, and more.

The kickoff of the MCHS Varsity Football season opener against Henderson County will follow at 8pm Eastern.

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