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Relief Coming For Motorists in Brandenburg

Chad Hobbs

Anyone who has attempted to navigate the Bridge Point Plaza area off the ByPass in Brandenburg, probably wondered if they were going to have to take their vehicle in for an alignment afterward. Bridge Point Plaza is the development area that includes Family Dollar, Burger King, KFC, Taco Bell, Cecilian Bank, Dairy Queen and Fastpace Health.

The access roads to those establishments are riddled with potholes, some large enough that they will literally lift the back tires off the ground of a vehicle maneuvering through them. But that is all coming to an end. At this month's Brandenburg City Council meeting, Industrial Development Authority Chairman David Pace updated the council on changes that will be taking place. Those roads are currently privately owned by the developer, but Pace said that an agreement between the city and developer has been signed where the roads will be brought up to city standards and be adopted into the city's roads. Pace said they hope to have that project completed very close to mid-September. Currently, the roads only have a base layer, but the potholes will be fixed and a finished layer of pavement will then be applied.

"I want to publicly thank you for your efforts. I'm glad to see this work out," said Mayor Bryan Claycomb. "I'm looking forward to the day when we can address the safety issue by having other ways in and out (instead of just the By-Pass entrances)."

To that Pace said that is almost a reality, as well. The Gossett land which is currently being cleared between Dairy Queen and Broadway (HWY 448) will hopefully be the next phase of improving safety and access to the above-mentioned businesses. Though the deal is not completely finalized, Pace said they are close to acquiring that property which will allow for an access road to be built from Broadway, near L&L Bodyshop over to the road that dead ends now behind Dairy Queen and Fastpace Health. Once completed, motorists would be able to leave any of the businesses within Bridge Point Plaza and take this access road over to Broadway, either taking a left to go into Brandenburg or a right to come out at the light at the intersection with the ByPass across from River Town Spirits and Miguel's versus trying to exit onto the ByPass without a traffic light.

On this map, the current roads in Bridge Point Plaza have been drawn in black. The proposed access road has been drawn in red which would link the road dead ending behind Dairy Queen with an access to Broadway.

Pace said this will also provide around twenty acres of lots for commercial/retail development between the Gossett property and open lots still remaining in the Bridge Point Plaza development. He added that there are already several businesses that are interested in possibly coming to Brandenburg once the road is completed.


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